Disney Themed Easter Basket Ideas for your Disney Loving Kids
Need help putting together Disney Easter basket ideas?
See if some of these ideas inspire you!
For a Rapunzel themed inspired Disney Easter basket:
- MAC Rapunzel Dressup
- “Pascal” Tape Dispenser (made by scotch) available on Amazon Mom Approved Tip: This would be even better with pink washi tape!
- Rapunzel themed books: “Tangled” (Little Golden Book), “Rapunzel: A Day to Remember” (chapter book), “Outside My Window” (Level 2)
- Hairbrush – like a purple Wet Brush (MY FAVORITE brush EVER! So easy for little girl tangles)
- MAC Pink Gloves
- Crayola Washable Paints, Paintbrushes, Blank Canvases
- MAC Rapunzel Headband
- Flower Hair Clips
- Detangler (I like Suave kids and the Honest Company brands)
- Rubber Duck
- Plastic Frying Pan
- Paper Lanterns
- Experience idea: Gift Certificate to a paint your own pottery place
- Rapunzel Best Day Ever LEGO (about $20) or Rapunzel’s Tower LEGO
- MAC Pink Butterfly Chunky Necklace
- Yellow Yarn Braid – Tutorial on SimplyRealMoms
- Tangled Leap Frog LeapPad Game
For a Belle or Beauty and the Beast themed Disney Easter basket:
- MAC Yellow Beauty Belle Inspired Dress
- MAC Belle Inspired Blue Day Dress
- MAC Red Cloak
- Stuffed or Silk rose (it really should be red)
- Books of course!
- MAC red gloves
- Vanity or hand mirror
- MAC Yellow Beauty Dolly Dress
- Bookmarks
- Experience idea: Tickets to the the new movie! Read my review here to see if it is appropriate for your kiddo.
- Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Rose toy (it plays music!!)
- Disney Parks Lumiere candelabra from Disney Parks (Use the Shop Parks App – 49.99)
- MAC red floral headband
- Stuffed Animal Beast from the Disney Store
- Disney Parks tea set (Disney Parks Merchandise 877-560-6477 or Shop Parks App)
- Beauty and the Beast LEGO set
For a Cinderella themed Disney Easter basket:
- MAC Cinderella Day Dress
- Cinderella books: Little Golden Book, Walt Disney’s Cinderella (illustrated by Mary Blair)
- MAC white gloves
- MAC Cinderella Dolly Dress
- Chore Chart
- MAC Cinderella Headband
- Mouse finger puppet by Folkmanis or Gus Gus stuffed animal or Tsum Tsum
- My Live Pets Singing Bird
- Cinderella and Prince Charming dolls
- MAC teal/lime chunky jewelry set
- (plastic) Glass Slippers
- Stuffed Pumpkin
- Cinderella Tervis Tumbler
- Play broom
- Watch or decorative clock
- Pearl Carriage necklace from AOS Design
A Tiana themed Disney Easter basket:
(you could use a stock pot instead of basket for extreme cuteness!)
- MAC Lily Pad Princess Dress
- Cookbook
- MAC white gloves
- CD of Jazz music (or Princess and the Frog Soundtrack)
- MAC Lily Pad Princess dolly dress
- Fireflies in a Jar
- MAC Lily Pad headband
- Kid-size cooking utensils
- Frog puppet or stuffed animal
- MAC silver soft crown
- Necklace with a potion bottle
- MAC pink/lime chunky jewelry set
- Mardi Gras beads
- Glowsticks
For a Snow White theme Disney Easter basket:
- MAC Deluxe Snow White Dress
- Stuffed woodland animals
- Little People Snow White and Dwarfs Set
- MAC Red Cloak
- Snow White Little Golden Book
- MAC Red Gloves
- Real apples
- MAC Snow White Dolly Dress
- Oversized plastic gems (I’ve seen them at Hobby Lobby)
- MAC Snow White headband
- Snow White Movie
- Apple sippy cup
For an Ariel or Little Mermaid theme Disney Easter basket:
- MAC Mermaid Dress
- MAC Pink Ariel Ball Gown
- Little Mermaid themed Tsum Tsums
- Little Mermaid bath squirter set from WDW (Disney Parks Merchandise 877-560-6477)
- MAC silver crown
- Starfish hairclip
- MAC Mermaid Dolly Dress
- Goldfish crackers
- Book on oceans
- “B toys” microphone
- Bubbles
- Dinglehopper brush from WDW (Disney Parks Merchandise 877-560-6477 or Shop Parks App)
- Singing shell necklace from WDW (Disney Parks Merchandise 877-560-6477 or Shop Parks App)
For a Star Wars theme Disney Easter Basket: (there’s a LOT out right now, so this is an easy one to put together!)
- MAC Galactic Warrior Cloak
- Darth Vader Jelly Bellies
- Stormtrooper helmet bank from WDW (Hollywood Studios)
- Talking Darth Vader
- Light Saber
- Star Wars movies! Rogue One is coming out 4/4 to Blu-ray – see my review here.
- Book: 5 minute Star Wars Stories
- Green-army-guy-style Star Wars Action Figures
- Light Saber -ish flashlight (a favorite for my kids)
- Star Wars Legos
- Star Wars Hot Wheels
- Darth Vader voice changer
For a Super Hero Disney theme Easter basket:
- MAC Red Hero Cape
- MAC Blue Muscle Vest
- MAC Masks
- Baymax and Hiro Action Figures
- The Action Bible– a comic book style Bible (a favorite in our house)
- Marvel Action Figures
- Book: 5 minute Marvel Stories (great for bedtime)
- Foam shield
Other quick Disney Inspired Easter Basket ideas:
For an Aurora theme Easter basket: MAC Aurora dress, sewing supplies, dolls (the Little People and Little Kingdom are my favorites), Sleeping Beauty books, Sleeping Beauty (cartoon), Sleeping Beauty soundtrack
For a Frozen theme Disney Easter basket:
Frozen is still everywhere! There are of course MAC dresses (have you seen the Anna and Elsa inspired coronation dresses yet?), books, stuffed Olafs, singing dolls, coloring books, more dolls, singing toys this one was my daughter’s favorite, or the Frozen Arendelle Castle or sleigh LEGOs?
For an Elena inspired Disney Easter Basket:
- This doll matches the Mom Approved Costumes Elena Inspired dress very well! But if your girlie is into American Girl dolls, MAC offers a matchy matchy dolly dress here.
- Elena of Valor’s Sceptor of light- this one plays my time and is a big hit in our house.
- Elena’s Storytime Guitar also plays music and is a great complement to a MAC dress!
Already have a dress? What about the princess tutus instead of Easter Grass from MAC?
Other Disney Easter Basket Filler Ideas:
- Disney On Ice Tickets See a review here
- Headed to Disney? What about trading pins, locking pin backs (to keep those pins safe), Bitbelts to secure your MagicBand, Penny Press books
- Disney Character Encyclopedia (great for use as an Autograph book at the Parks!)
- Disney Parks pancho to stay dry on your next trip (merchandise services can get you an official one)
- A Mickey waffle maker – see my review to see which one is best
Author Note: originally published in April 2015, but has been revamped and improved with more Disney themed Easter Basket ideas!
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