5 Tips For Better Character Meet Interactions at Disney
TIP #1: Character meals are great for meeting lots of characters at once, but you will usually get more time with a character meeting them in their “spots”
If your kiddo has someone they really want to spend some time with, it might be worth standing in line to get that little bit of extra time with them.
TIP #2: Cast Members give special attention to kids who are dressed in costume.
Want a longer, quality character interaction? Dressup that kiddo! Check out Mom Approved Costumes for great washable costumes to match your character!
One of our favorite things to do is read customer emails about the wonderful interactions our customers have had with cast members!
We constantly are getting feedback about extended interactions, random surprises (sometimes even free stuff!) and lots of Cast Member attention while their kiddos are in costume.
***Last trip, our daughter got to meet Peter Pan after they shut down the line because he saw her walking by and “was missing Tinkerbell” and he spent over 5 minutes with her!***
TIP #3: Schedule your kiddo’s most desired character meet early in the trip, as early in the day as possible.
That way your kiddo won’t have bags under their eyes in their favorite picture! When you look in the mirror on day 5, you’ll understand what we mean!
TIP #4: Have some fun with your character to get a better interaction.
To get a longer, more quality interaction, play with your character! Don’t just get your picture taken, book signed and run! They want to have some fun with you! Ask Ariel how Prince Eric is doing, Ask Donald where Mickey is (he LOVES that!), see if Anna will sing with you- you might surprised what happens!
TIP #5: We love Kenny the Pirate for what we think is the best info out there on where, when and how to meet your favorite characters!
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